Winners of Miracle on I-40 and Recipes for Easy Living

Congratulations to the latest winners– Ann, who was chosen for Miracle on I-40, and Nola from AlamoNorth, who won Recipes for Easy Living! I will endeavor to get the books in the mail on Tuesday. I try not schedule anything firmly on Mondays. I take a cue from wise mother-in-law, Big Mama, who says, “Mondays are my day off, after so much doing on Saturday and Sunday.”


2 responses to “Winners of Miracle on I-40 and Recipes for Easy Living”

  1. Thanks so much! I’ve been neglecting “my blogs” this week, getting ready for the holidays! Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised when I stumbled across my own name listed as a winner! You are a doll to be so generous.
    Hope you and your family have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving, hugs to all… Nola


  2. hi. i was introuced to your book, sweet dreams at the goodnight motel. what i love about you books, because i’ve now read cold tea on a hot day and lost highways is they are about everyday people trying to live a good life and they are in touch with the spiritual part of their life. it has helped me with my life, as well , knowing and reading about your characters in your novels. thank you so much it has helped me a great deal. as ever. nanbeach.


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