Happy Easter!

I was walking around the back of the azalea bushes, and was surprised to see these. Ruby amaryllis blooms, stretching with determination toward the sunlight. Azalea branches were poking across them, as if in equal determination to hold them back. I cut away the branches.

This morning I ran out to see if the amaryllis in the azaleas had bloomed. They hadn’t, but, get this, on my way back to the house, I happened to glance over and see this in the shade of the pecan tree:
amaryllis 2

Happy Easter, dear friends. Sending thanks to all my blogging friends and people who stop by to say hello. Very often you help me to have a new perspective, and bring sunlight into my life.

Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in spring-time. ~Martin Luther.

6 responses to “Happy Easter!”

  1. Part of the joy of gardening is each new thing that comes up through the ground and then when it blooms. Each trip through the garden is always amazing. Thank you for sharing.


  2. Happy Easter CurtissAnn. I hope it is a wonderful day for you and your family.
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