For Writers

I just read an encouraging essay by writer Julia Fenstermacher entitled I Love That About You. I find Ms. Fenstermacher’s words so profound, so uplifting and encouraging that I want to share them with all you writers and creatives (which means all of you!). You can read the post here.

“Let us look for what is beautiful and bring it out, then protect it and cause it to grow with words of encouragement, words of love.” ~ Julia Fenstermacher.

I am not a believer in what is known as constructive criticism. I am a believer in identifying what is right, what is beautiful and life-affirming and encouraging and building that up. There are enough critics in the world, and they build nothing. Focusing on what is good is what builds.

For the past six weeks, I’ve been going to physical therapy twice a week in order to strengthen the muscles of a painful shoulder. Focusing on muscles with exercise is what builds them. Focusing on your strength makes you stronger in that area.


One response to “For Writers”

Thoughts? Don’t keep them to yourself. Love to hear!

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