I Chose My Word for 2020–Did You?

Each year I choose a guiding word, and I know many of you do, too. This year I’ve chosen Humility. I came to this word after an exchange of words with someone. Exchange of words is a more pleasant description than argument, which was what it was. I look back over the year and recall one heated exchange of words on the telephone with a service person about the delivery of my washing machine. In this instance heated exchange of words is a more pleasant description than saying hissy fit.

I went to the big Grandaddy Webster’s dictionary, and the main definition it gives for humility is: freedom from pride and arrogance.

Freedom. Such a lovely word. Just think of it. My pride can flash in an instant and ignite arrogance, and arrogance leads to temper and temper is a wide and bumpy road leading only to regret. “The anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God,”  we are told in James 1:20. I’m here to testify that in my case, it sure does not. Pride–meaning ego-pride, a common attribute of the human–is the opposite of humility. One cannot have both at the same time.

Now, allow me the good pride to say that I am grateful for how far I have come with even temper and humbleness. I’m grateful that age and the wisdom (hard won wisdom) that has come with the years has greatly tempered my temper. I’ve learned and mostly do practice humility. And this year I want to experience the high road of peace and strength and joy and love. Those priceless intangibles only come along with humility.

So, what is your word for the year? I and many who read here would be interested to know.

Happy New Year to each of you. Enjoy all that you can this year.


10 responses to “I Chose My Word for 2020–Did You?”

  1. Love your writing… and all the comments too. Haven’t settled on my word yet, but Joy sparked in me!
    Happy New Year , CurtissAnn!


  2. My word is gratitude. God has been very good to us this year and I am so thankful! In spite of some difficult health challenges, my husband and I have been truly blessed with a new (to us) home in a quieter community and a bad car accident turning out with no serious injuries and a new great grandbaby.


  3. I choose JOY. It is a word that denotes positivity to me. I choose it each morning when I awake and have for some. time. Start the day with a smile in your heart and peace in your soul. Beats moaning and groaning about your lot in life, and aids the others around you to see your smile and be glad.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Amen, sister! I thought of your comment today when I heard a song by Mandisa. Part of the lyrics said, more or less, “This is not another song confessing guilt, but a song for joy, to praise and adore our Lord.” Moaning and groaning don’t give anyone anything. Joy does!


  4. I selected a hodge podge of words in my December Word Berd post. Guddle has potential, but I don’t plan on bare hand fishing much this year. Your choice is most excellent.

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