“You Got to Please Yourself…dat, da, da, da…”

I just now looked over at the original cover of If Wishes Were Horses, and lyrics to Garden Party by Ricky Nelson popped into my head. It is true, you can’t please everyone, but you do, first and foremost in any art, have to please yourself.

If Wishes Were Horses was published in 1998 by Avon Books in mass market paperback. The low-quality paper is now yellowed. The book was more or less tossed thoughtlessly into the huge sea of pulp mid-list fiction. It was the final book I did for Avon, and in the view of the editor, it was just another romance book. I did get some lovely reviews. It pleased a number of people, but it was one in many and sunk to the bottom of the pile.

Two months ago, I read the book for the first time since writing it nineteen years ago. After nearly two decades, I saw the book with fresh eyes. It was as if I were reading a story written by someone else. I was stunned and highly gratified to find a wonderfully compelling and beautifully written novel. I didn’t want to put it down.

I am well pleased with this book. Tickled and proud as a dog with two tails, as a matter of fact. I am grateful to be able to bring the book back to publication once again. It deserves it.

I edited very lightly, only a few small changes to the manuscript in order to cut out extraneous verbiage. The book, as all fiction in the 90s, was a big book. It was originally divided into three parts, and I’m releasing it as a series of three separate continuing ebooks: If Wishes Were Horses, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

Wishes-Cover-Part-1-800 Wishes-Cover-Part-2-800 Wishes-Cover-Part-3-800






I’m grateful to be able to bring the book back to publication once again. The planned release date is April 22. I’ll be posting more about the series soon.


5 responses to ““You Got to Please Yourself…dat, da, da, da…””

  1. I don’t think I have told you in awhile but your writing is wonderful and I love your books. I never viewed your book as romances, though there are love stories in them; they are stories about real, flawed, funny, brave and totally human characters. I will look forward to reading these.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What exciting stuff this is. I haven’t read it in all these years, so can’t wait to read it again. I’ve been reading one of my own lately, for the first time since it came out a few years ago, and I’m kind of enjoying it. Makes for a nice day, doesn’t it?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Liz, I think we all are far better at our creations than we realize, and certainly than editors want to tell us. We can’t see it until quite a bit of distance. I saw so much in my book that I had no idea I had put into it–that I had no idea was in me. 🙂


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