Thoughts on Where I Am as a Writer, and where I want to go

It’s that time again, the end of the year, a new one beginning. It tilts one toward evaluation of one’s life. Being who I am, I don’t need the end of the year to do that. Introspective and introverted, I go through it several times a year. Maybe because I always have a sense of getting lost and have to find myself.

I heard a piece of advice this week: “The most important thing a writer can do to help her creativity is to be in touch with herself.” I believe this and have been thinking on it. The problem for me, and maybe for you, is that my mind is busy. I’m going at warp speed to answer the demands of the day, and I tend to get lost in the rush. Also, I get to know myself, and before I realize, part of that self changes and shifts.

I’m aging. (gasp, I wrote it out for God and everyone.) I will not think or write in the same manner as I did twenty years ago. My life isn’t at all what it was 20 years ago. What is required is to look at my life as it is now–with all the demands and limitations, and the possibilities.

I invite you to read one of the best pieces I have read this year on writer motivation and productivity. From Jane Friedman: The Secret to My Productivity, or thoughts about luxury and privilege.

A great deal of my work life has been unstructured and undisciplined (though not without vision and purpose). ~ Jane Friedman

It think vision and purpose is the key. Vision and purpose is what guides and directs us. Vision and purpose is who we are at heart. I also think even when we don’t think we have vision and purpose, we really do. We got out of bed in the morning. That is both vision and purpose, if not the strongest.

What is needed is to know consciously our ideal vision and purpose. Choose it, and then keep that ever before our minds and adjust ourselves where possible to keep heading in that direction. That is my aim and prayer for the coming year.

I am currently reading Writing About Your Life, by the late and great writer William Zinsser. (I’m always reading dead people.) I leave you with a guiding quote from the book:

“All writers are embarked on a quest of some kind, and you’re entitled to go on yours.” ~William Zinsser

Merry Christmas!

3 responses to “Thoughts on Where I Am as a Writer, and where I want to go”

Thoughts? Don’t keep them to yourself. Love to hear!

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