The Delight of Storms

I heard about possible storms, but really, one hears these warnings all the time. I tend not to pay so much attention. Then I looked out the north windows and saw the purple-black sky. We seldom see such a sky down here, such mass of heaviness and bearing down on us like a huge iron freight train.

But I’ve seen that sky many times when living in Oklahoma and know what it means. I’m paying attention now, and I call grandson from his computer to look at the sky. To pay attention to the majesty of nature.

Then I tell him: “Get water for the cats. Get them in the garage. I’m taking a feed block to the hens.”

We scurry, animals cared for, cushions off the porch chairs. Then we watch it all come, the rumbling first for quite some time, followed by pattering of rain. With a suddenness, the heavens open up a deluge that pounds on the tin roof, so hard at one point that I’m sure it has broken through and have to open the attic space door to check. Thankfully, it is just a lot of noise. Lightning so close and loud causes me to jump and scream.

Then I go to open the kitchen door and I stand there with pure delight, feeling the cool and powerful wind, the refreshing of dampness. I just let the wet come in—no mother to scold me. (And a reminder not to scold the grands when they do similar experiencing.) For an instant in my reveling I forget the pan I burnt on the stove, the bills that need paying, the ever-present exhaustion of day to day struggles with time, dirt, and money, and just feel the power and glory of the storm.

Gradually everything softens. The wind and rain settle down, the rumbling fades into the distance. And we are safe. I give thanks. We have experienced the refreshing of the storm, and none of what could have been disaster. Very grateful indeed. It’s rather like eating cake and not gaining any weight.

And I carry with me those few seconds when I stood feeling the storm, marveling at it, soaking up it’s invigorating energy. I hope I can remember and call on this energy when I need it in the future.

I am suddenly reminded of wisdom shared by writer and artist Julia Cameron—

“The quality of life is in proportion, always, to the capacity for delight. The capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention.” ~ Julia Cameron, in The Artist’s Way.

A reminder: Paying attention is life-giving.

God bless your days, dear hearts,

15 responses to “The Delight of Storms”

  1. I have often thought of mild spring rains as cleansing and refreshing, but had not quite thought of storms in the same light. Fear had taken over my adult senses, however, your story of standing in the open doorway brought back a long forgotten childhood memory. As long as there was no threat of personal danger, my dad always had us sitting out in the garage with the door open. Lawn chairs were set in the open doorway, and since there was an awning over the garage door, we rarely got wet. We would watch the distant lightening, and the rolling dark clouds move and dance across the sky. Listening to the rains pelt against the aluminum awning, there was no fear. I look back now and realize I was not only watching Gods work in progress, but these were special family bonding moments. Thanks for reminding me of those days, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • What a precious memory, Carolyn. My mother would do similar, at the door or windows. She reminded me yesterday of the game of, “Who jumps first,” at the lightning booms. It is good to remember the pleasant times. Thank you for sharing. Sending hugs, dear friend.


  2. Sounds like quite the storm, but standing in the doorway? Can I lend you my mother to do the scolding? I always wanted to do that and got the “hit by lightning” story from her; not her, but someone she knew.

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    • Had the lightning been close, I would have not stood there. Really only a couple of close strikes later, after the wind of the front. I do know though, that lightning can travel as much as 5 miles. Still in the doorway and shelter of a porch, I felt safe.


  3. I loved this description. In SW MO, we have many tornado warnings–some occur and that is bad news. I am always restless during these warnings on my weather radio, never quite able to settle into anything but waiting. From where I live, at the top of a hill, we see storms clearly–as they approach from North (sometimes Canadian fronts), west (the Rocky Mountains) and from the Gulf. As one friend said, “It’s like living in a bowl, swirling where front meets front.” But you can see the storms coming. Stay safe, CurtissAnn.

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  4. Loved reading about the storm. I have often felt that same way, it was a small delight I could enjoy with my much older brothers who also loved it. It was a really pleasant memory and a delight to read about and remember. I have been scolded on many occasions for loving the sight and sound from open doors or running out on a porch while the storm is raging.

    I enjoy all your books so much and love your writing style, my memory also holds many moments of things I have read from your stories that made a lasting impression on my brain and in a way became part of my life story too. They are things that brought me small town life and pleasures that I felt I could really enjoy while living in a large city setting. I now live on a acre with chickens, dogs, cats and my Hubby of almost 54 years in a small town and love it. Keep writing and I will keep reading for as long as possible.

    A Facebook Friend

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  5. What a wonderful post! Brought tears to my eyes, as I do think we too often forget to take the time to simply watch and enjoy! Thank you so much for reminding me in the nicest possible way. Today, I will be looking at (and really seeing) the clouds, flowers and birds of a new spring day!

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