Gleanings: Gable, Cameron, and Kafka

Clark Gable. Wasn't he somethin'?
Clark Gable. Wasn’t he somethin’?

Montgomery Clift asked Clark Gable how he would approach his role in the Misfits. Gable replied: “I bring to it everything I have been, everything I am, and everything I hope to be.”

That is what we do when we write, or when we create anything. We bring all that we are in the moment to our endeavor. We can do nothing else, so it behooves us to believe in ourselves and what we have to offer. The better we know ourselves, honestly and with acceptance of the whole–even those parts that make us cry–the better and clearer we can write. The better we can live and leave something of value.

An artist is a sensitive creature. ~Julia Cameron on Twitter

“You’re too sensitive,” is commonly said in our society. I was told this often by people close to me. I grew up believing it a flaw. I felt shame and tried to eradicate the sensitivity. Thank goodness I could not fully succeed. Today I know the statement for the rot that it is. I know that it is important to honor the wonderful, magnificent sensitivity I have been given.  In a world gone so very cold, we sensitive people need to shine and light the way in the darkness, and sometimes it is out of our own darkness.

 A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. ~Franz Kafka, tweeted by Chad Hofmann. Reportedly from a letter from Kafka to his friend Max Brod.

Kafka was obviously sensitive, and honest about himself.

God bless,



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