Sowing and Reaping

I had planted the caladiums two years ago, actually moving them from where they annoyed me to where I thought they would add just the right color.

Then came an unusually bitter cold and dry winter, followed with a severe drought. The caladiums did not come up, and I clean forgot all about them. I even replanted a large part of the area with tall liriope and a couple of gardenia bushes.

When perusing the garden center this spring, I saw caladium tubers and thought of the ones I had planted. Long dead, I figured. I considered getting new ones, but somehow did not get to it.

Then, to my great surprise, soon after some abundant rain, I saw a large red and green leaf. My thought was: “Good Lord’amercy, where did that come from? Further, I spied another a few days later on the other side of the pond. When another came up, I began to look again and again. There are now five totally separate plants. I had completely forgot where I planted them, but it turns out they are perfectly placed to suit my taste.

Lesson: It may be a long time later, but in due time what we sow, we will reap. This is the law of the universe.

Starting Monday Out Right:
Dear God, today I’ll remember the lesson of reaping. I’ll take a look at what I really want in my life, and sow at least one thing today and this week toward my desire. I’ll keep an eye out for abundant blooming of some desires, too, and give thanks. Thanks for your help. Amen. So it is.

8 responses to “Sowing and Reaping”

  1. […] Sowing and Reaping ( Share this post via social media!FacebookTwitterPinterestEmailPrintMoreStumbleUponDiggTumblrRedditLinkedInLike this:Like11 bloggers like this post. This entry was posted in Life at Big Garden and tagged Caladium, Citrus Trees, Dietes Bicolor, Florida, Gardening, Indian River County Florida, Opuntia Humifusa, Vero Beach Florida by SmallHouseBigGarden. Bookmark the permalink. […]


  2. Plants that grow from a bulb have a way of coming back after we’ve given up. I always wonder what goes on underground when a lily comes up after two years and it has moved a foot or more to another location.


      • Sometimes I am not specific enough. I’ve never seen caladlums move but Oriental, LA and Asiatic lilies will move around. The bulb stays in its original spot, I think and the stems just grow horizontally underground and come up where they will. I think my point was, underground-based plants seem to have notions of their own sometimes. They come and go at will, where fibrous rooted plants usually keel over rather than adapt to their spots.


        • Well, it seems I’m very much an underground-based plan myself, then. 🙂 I’m assuming that those byzantine glads that suddenly started appearing in strange places in my yard– I know I did not plant them– came from corms the squirrels the moved. Maybe. I appreciate the mystery.


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