Starting Monday Out Right with the Now Two-Legged Midget Chick and Her Big Sisters

The chicks turned seven weeks old on Thursday, and I breathed a sigh of relief. They were not only still alive, but thriving. I had read weeks ago on a forum someone’s tale of their chicks up and dying at seven weeks and they did not know why. This sent me at high speed into dark imaginings. I then and there quit reading on chicken forums.
Our little Princess Puny, special needs chick. At about half the size of the rest in the flock, she nevertheless continues to grow, at her own pace and time. She uses both legs now, walks and runs around the extended area of the chicken run, although she does not perch. Managing the ramp to the hen house was a slow challenge for her. She finds it best to fly up and down. She remains smaller and, well, puny, but there has been no picking on her by the other chicks at all. For a time one of the Buff Orpingtons seems to be a companion by her side.
A better picture of Princess Puny and her Big Sister, to show their differences in size, as well as the shape of their heads. Puny’s head remains a round ball.

We enjoy all the chicks, but little Princess Puny is a special delight. She reminds me of the power of just keeping on, and then laying down when you’re tired, getting up again and pressing on, doing what you can do, being a blessing as just who and what you are.

Commitment to our unique way of life, then is our task today and every day. It is not to be undertaken for our self-improvement, nor for salvation of the world or society, but simply because we can do no other if we are to be true to the individual hypothesis of our lives. ~Helen M. Luke

Starting Monday out right…
Dear God, help me to see see clearly my talents and all the magnificent possibilities extended before me. Give me the courage to use them, day by day. So it is. Amen.

10 responses to “Starting Monday Out Right with the Now Two-Legged Midget Chick and Her Big Sisters”

  1. I’m with you on dropping out of the forums – it can become unsettling to read all of the stories. I’m in a sheep and goat association and right now the threads are rampant with terrible lambing stories. It makes me shudder. I’ve decided that It is hard to be patient when you’re looking at so many reasons for this, that and the other thing. And the main thing, with raising animals, is patience, I think. And you have been beautifully patient and Puny is adorable and contributing and the others are loving her, too! Beautiful blog, beautiful prayer, thank you!


  2. Love the updates on the chicks. Looks like everyone is happy and healthy, Are you raising them just for the eggs? Or will there also be baked chicken on your table someday? Thank you for all your inspiration, both given and simply and unknowningly implied. I started this Monday with a a lengthy ‘to do” list since hubby is out of town. After checking off a couple ot items, I suddenly got an intense urge to write. I sat down on the couch, laptop propped on my legs, and proceeded to write as quickly as my fingers could move. I was nearly late for 7 pm. choir practice, because I could not tear myself away from my story. I wrote over 4,000 words. I think I started this Monday right! Now I just need a quote for doing double duty on Tuesday “to make up for the “not done” Monday list! Many Blessings to you and the chicks.


    • Carolyn, let God handle all the ‘to dos’. Obviously the Spirit moved you to write, and that was most important. We can have our ‘to do’ list, but God has His, and He knows what’s best. 🙂

      Hugs, CurtissAnn


  3. Love your pics and words. Princess Puny is special, for certain. I believe you’ve made a wonderful “chick mama.”
    Can’t wait to see the first eggs!!


    • Darling Sandy, thanks so much for the encouragement. I’ve marked the calendar for an approximation of when to expect eggs. The Ameraucanas’ eggs should be blue! xxxooo


  4. My first batch of chicks sailed through life with nothing more sinister than a slight sniffle when they were three weeks old. They’re now almost 6 months old, and the next batch are in the incubator, due to hatch in 8 days. I’m hoping they will thrive as well as the others. It looks like I will have seven this time.


    • Okay, Maggie, now that’s how I think of my little flock– sailing through. That’s pretty much what the knowledgeable owner of the feed store has told me. I think with the first flock all is fresh–no germs yet! But now I am going to have to learn about worming. I’m so excited for your new ‘expectations’!!


      • We already had chickens ‘on the ground’ when our first batch of chicks hatched, so we kept them away from areas the other chickens were using until they had reached 8 weeks of age. We also practiced ‘bio-security’ by using hand sanitizer before handling the chicks each and every time. Those simple measures, I think were enough to keep a ‘barrier’ between the older birds and our babies until the little ones built up some immunity as they grew.


        • It’s so funny, but we’ve been so vocal about not wanting our grandson to possibly catch something from the chicks, or have him give something to the chick, that the dear boy is now quite habitual about washing his hands all the time. Thanks for the heads-up for what to practice, if we do get more chicks. 🙂


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