Keeping Joy (and Sanity) in the Holidays

Are you in the thick of things now? I am–baking, finally getting up the tree, ordered online gifts at the last minute! My friend Carolyn kindly shared with me her wise plan to stay healthy, joyful, and sane through the holiday season. We thought we would share it with you. I even printed it out as a reminder.

Today, and especially tomorrow, and all through the Holidays, I pray, hope, and plan to take care of myself by 1) not taking myself too seriously, and 2) not trying to solve any personal, family or world problems, because it probably would not only not work, but probably could make things worse.

“I deserve to not ‘make’ myself try to do this or that to be a better person right now, but to leave that to God, love all of who I am, love others, and when I can’t, get out of there, and most of all, have some fun for myself.  My God can and will care for me, and for all the others, whether it seems possible to me or not.” ~Carolyn Rock

God bless us every one!

3 responses to “Keeping Joy (and Sanity) in the Holidays”

  1. This touched me right now…..I am so far behind in everything that’s “material” about Christmas….and it is getting me very uptight! I needed your reminder about what the season is about…and also to enjoy this precious time!


    • Oh, honey, I so understand! I’m grateful for your comment right now, too. It is comfort somehow, when I’m in tears from someone speaking sharply to me, someone I know is stressed, too. We must keep joy, so that we can share it with others.

      Merry Christmas love to you, dear friend. CurtissAnn


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